200 Hour YTTC Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Course Highlight:-
  • Course: 200 Hours YTTC
  • Duration: 24 Days
  • Date: 03rd - 26th of every month
  • Certification: by Yoga Alliance U.S.A

Course Fees

US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation US $1099 With Food & Private Accommodation
Book Your Seat

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Sages Yoga, a registered yoga school in Rishikesh by Yoga Alliance, USA offers a wide range of yoga courses and programs. If you wish to start a bright career in the field of yoga, then you should start it with 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course. The most popular course among the yoga lovers and the initial course with which one can get the status of an RYT, i.e., Registered Yoga Teacher and will become able to teach yoga all around the world. In simple terms, 200 Hours Yoga TTC is a platform from where most of the people start their beautiful journey from a keen yoga student to a well-professional yoga teacher.

Why join 200 Hour Course?

The intermediate level of yoga course of 200 Hours offered by the Sages Yoga is deemed to be complete after you meet the necessary requirement of Yoga Alliance, USA, i.e., complete attendance, passing the final exams and submission of the assignments. After which, we will honor you with the Yoga Alliance Certification and make you able to teach and share the knowledge of yoga globally.

200 Hour YTT Course Dates & Fees for the year 2024 - 2025
03rd - 26th September 2024
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation
US $1099 with Food & Private Accommodation
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03rd - 26th October 2024
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation
US $1099 with Food & Private Accommodation
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03rd - 26th November 2024
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation
US $1099 with Food & Private Accommodation
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03rd - 26th December 2024
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation
US $1099 with Food & Private Accommodation
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03rd - 26th January 2025
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation
US $1099 with Food & Private Accommodation
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03rd - 26th February 2025
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training
US $949 with Food & Sharing Accommodation
US $1099 with Food & Private Accommodation
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200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Daily Schedule
  • 05:30 am - Wake Up

  • 06:00am - 06:30am - Pranayama, Mudras & Bandhas

  • 06:30am - 08:00am - Hatha Yoga Asana

  • 08:00am - 08:30am - Breakfast

  • 09:00am - 10:00am - Philosophy/Ayurveda/Anatomy

  • 10:30am - 11:30am - Self-study/Self-practice

  • 12:00pm - 12:30pm - Lunch

  • 12:30pm - 03:00pm - Rest

  • 03:00pm - 04:30pm - Asana/Adjustment & Alignment

  • 05:00pm - 06:00pm - Meditation & Mantra Chanting

  • 06:00pm - 07:00pm - Homework

  • 07:00pm - 08:00pm - Dinner

  • 09:00pm - Lights off

Note: Shatkarmas session will be held on every Sunday with prior notice.

Syllabus/Curriculum 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yoga TTC Syllabus



  • Padmasana
  • Sukhasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Bhadrasana
  • Swastikasana
and all sitting asana variations


  • Padmasana
  • Tadasana
  • Triyaka Tadasana
  • Kati Chakrasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Veerbadhrasana (I, II & III)
and all standing asana variations


  • Natrajasana
  • Garudasana
  • Uttitha Hasta Padangusthasana
  • Pada Angushthasana
  • Vriskshasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Eka Padasana
  • Eka Pada Pranamasana
  • Baka Dhyanasana
  • Dwi Hasta Bhujasana
and all balancing asana variations


  • Sirsasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Padma Sarvangasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Moordhasana
  • Salamba Sirsasana
  • Halasana
  • Viparita Karani
and all inverted asana variations


  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Astavakrasana
  • Supta Udarakarshanasana
  • Meru Vakrasana
  • Parivritti Janu Sirsasana
and all twisting asana variations


  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Paschimottasana
  • Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana
  • Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • Padahastanasana
  • Koormasana
  • Supta Pawanmuktasana
and all forward bend asana variations


  • Chakrasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Supta Vajrasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Setuasana
  • Vrischikasana
  • Sarpasana
  • Shalabhasana
  • and all back bend asana variations


    • Surya Namaskar
    • Chandra Namaskar
    • Pawanmuktasana
    • Marjariasana
    • Vinyasa Flow Asanas Series
    and all dynamic asana variations


    • Balasana
    • Savasana
    • Makarasana
    • Shashankasan
    • Supta Baddha Konasana
    • Supta Vajrasana
    and all relaxing asana variations


  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Natural Breating
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Cavicular Breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Nadi Shodhana
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhramari
  • Shitali
  • Shitkari
  • Surya Bhedi
  • Chandra Bhedi


  • Breathing Awareness
  • OM
  • Trataka
  • Dynamic
  • Vipasana

Mantra Chanting:-

  • Guru Brahma (Guru Vandana)
  • Maha Mrityunjai Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Surya Namskara Mantras

Mudra & Bandha:-

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Hridaya
  • Nasikagra
  • Khechari


  • Neti (Nasal cleansing technique)
  • Trataka (Gazing practice)
  • Kapalbhati (Cleansing the lungs)
  • Dhauti (Vomitting practice)
  • Nauli (Intra-abdominal massage)
  • Basti (Reverse Enema)

Yoga Anatomy & Physiology:-

  • Respiratory System
  • Digestive System
  • Skeletal System
  • Circulatory System

Yoga Philosophy:-

  • Introduction to yoga- Definitions and History
  • Panchakosha
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Bhagawad Gita
  • Chakras
  • Prana
  • Jnana Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Raja Yoga

Sages Yoga School
